Dr.HARISH Foundation depends on the commitment and generosity of benefactors—people like you—to support our mission of providing the best medical care for the needy. All donations are meaningful and provide important support.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated and will help better / save the lives of many Senior Citizens and the underpriveleged . Thank you for your donation.
Email is not a secure form of communication, and privacy of information contained in the email cannot be guaranteed.Dr.Harish Foundation is not responsible for any harm or damage you may experience or incur by sending personal or confidential information using this website. By supplying an email address with this form you will receive a confirmation, we cannot guarantee its security. An email address is optional and not required.
Your gift makes a positive impact.
Your gift to the TGF Foundation will be directed to the area you choose and will help improve the health and wellness of our community.
Restricted gifts are assigned to accounts consistent with donor wishes to be used by that program only. Unrestricted gifts are placed into the Foundation general account to be used as directed by the Foundation Board.
You can make an immediate impact by giving today!
Make an online donation with your credit card.
Donate with a credit card by phone: call.
Make a cash or credit card gift by sending your cash gift or credit card information to:
The Foundation also works with individuals and groups for gift planning, corporate giving and endowed giving.
Please call our office for more information about these donation options : XXXXXXXXX
Donor Bill of Rights
Donors will be informed of the organizations mission, the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
Donors will be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in the stewardship responsibilities.
Donors will be assured their gifts will be used for the purpose for which they were given.
Donors will receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
Donors will be assured information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
Donors can expect all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
Donors will be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
Donors should be free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
Tribute Gift
This gift is in honor, memory, or support of someone
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Billing Address
Make this gift on behalf of an organization
Name:Title:First name: Last name:
State & zip:State:
I would like this gift to remain anonymous
Payment details
Payment method:
Credit card
Bill me later
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Card number:
Helping our community reach out to others.
The Dr.Harish Foundation provides direction and financial support for organizations and activities that promote health and wellness of all Senior Citizens. If you are a non-profit organization working to improve health of Senior citizens, we invite you to apply for the Foundation.
Grant Application
Grants are reviewed on a grant cycle. The Dr.Harish Foundation Allocations Committee convenes two times each year for the purpose of considering requests. Requests not received in a timely manner will not be considered until the next round of funding.
March 16 Elders day May 16,Aug 1
Aug 1 December/January January
All applications must be from not-for-profit organizations and groups within India.